It's A Start...

>> Apr 29, 2008

This blog is in the formative stage so expect it to possibly go through some growing pains and change as I figure out which direction I want to take it. The general idea right now is coming from my love of horses and having to "cowgirl up" to ride because of fear. It comes from watching my daughter go through some tough times with anxiety and fear and hoping she will pull herself through it ok and stronger.

We are faced frequently with the choice to do something that is right for us or others, but very hard to do, or not doing it at all out of fear. Stepping out of your comfort zone to do what is right, even if it is difficult or hurts, is something I think most women can understand (having to leave the boyfriend who didn't treat you right, having to request equality in the workplace which is thankfully not as big of an issue as it used to be, etc.).

Definition of Cowgirl Up: Be your own woman, make your own path; take responsibility for who you are and what you do; step up to a challenge; toughen up; to make something happen as opposed to just complaining about it; taking charge of a situation. The feminine variation of "cowboy up" (below).The feminine variation of Cowboy Up: when things are getting tough you have to get back up, dust yourself off and keep trying.


Anonymous August 5, 2008 at 7:59 AM  

I love your definition and of course your horse photos...I am a writer and would love to know where you got the definition of Cowgirl up, I'd like to use it but need to attribute it. If you wrote it, do I have your permission to use it with your name attributed? thanks Kathleen

Syn August 5, 2008 at 10:10 AM  

Hi Kathleen,

I googled the phrase and it came up on Urban Dictionary (

I came up with the idea to use the phrase as my blog after my daughter was hurt by a family member...watching how much she's struggled and hurt to deal with we both love our horses. So, I googled it and it seemed to fit.

Anonymous August 5, 2008 at 11:59 AM  


I'm sorry about your daughter...

thank you so very much for the link! I'll keep checking your site!

Syn August 5, 2008 at 12:27 PM  

You're welcome! I'd love to see what you write if you have any links or anything.

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Anonymous December 1, 2010 at 8:41 AM  

Very nicce!

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