Rex's Memorial

>> Aug 27, 2008

I finished Rex's memorial page online today. It was so difficult to get through. I had actually started it a couple days ago but it was too hard so I stopped. I finished it tonight and it broke my heart all over again.

I miss him so much. I cried when I received the phone call from the stable, I cried on the drive there, and I cried petting my mare after I got there. After that, shock hit and I had to be strong for my daughter so other than tears on my face while holding her, I guess I didn't get enough of my grief out because after I finished his memorial page, I sobbed the messy, loud kind of crying that I haven't done in such a long time.

This is killing me not knowing why he died. I didn't want an autopsy done because I didn't want them taking his body and not getting it back (and having my daughter left with that last thought in her mind with her horse), I didn't want somebody who didn't know or love him to treat him indifferently and destroy his beautiful body, and I wanted him to be buried with some dignity because he was that kind of horse. The result of that is that it leaves me with questions and it hurts.

Rex died sometime on late Wednesday night/Thurday morning a week ago...a week ago from now, on this night. The depth of grief is just miserable.



>> Aug 22, 2008

RIP Sweet Rex

My daughter's horse died the night before last. He was her best friend. Rex pulled her out of herself when she was going thru some bad times earlier this year and became her best friend. He taught her a lot. She learned to canter with him. She rode bareback for the first time two days before he passed away. He gave her the confidence she had been lacking and the best friend she needed during hard times. Maybe that was why he was with us, to help her, though it was for far too short of a time. I will forever be grateful for what he did for her. I just wish we'd had longer to love him in life.

He wasn't just a pet to us. He had a part of our heart and our hearts broke when he passed away unexpectedly.


Horse Allergies

>> Aug 18, 2008

My daughter's horse has allergies. The last couple of weeks, he has had some drainage, coughing, and some asthmatic sounding breathing when excited. He's on an antihistamine for horses now and as of today, is showing no signs of allergies or breathing problems! Yippee!

I wasn't the only one going nuts with my allergies these past few weeks. Poor Rex.


Poop Head

>> Aug 14, 2008

Funny horse video posted online:


Our Second Ride Together Photos

>> Aug 5, 2008

Lunge (longe?) First

Leisurely Walk on Lead Line

She's being a good girl. My pretty girl!

Calm as can be (the horse; not me)

Look ma, no lunge line! First time off line (for me on JeeNee).
JeeNee has done this with our trainer, Shelly, many times though.

Good girl, JeeNee!


Rode JeeNee Again

>> Aug 3, 2008

If you have been following along with the training of my filly, JeeNee, I have some more pictures I will post later once I get them cropped so they aren't so huge. I rode JeeNee for the second time Friday night. I rode her on the lunge line first and then off the lunge line!! She was really good!

Pictures to come later!!!


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