Rex's Memorial

>> Aug 27, 2008

I finished Rex's memorial page online today. It was so difficult to get through. I had actually started it a couple days ago but it was too hard so I stopped. I finished it tonight and it broke my heart all over again.

I miss him so much. I cried when I received the phone call from the stable, I cried on the drive there, and I cried petting my mare after I got there. After that, shock hit and I had to be strong for my daughter so other than tears on my face while holding her, I guess I didn't get enough of my grief out because after I finished his memorial page, I sobbed the messy, loud kind of crying that I haven't done in such a long time.

This is killing me not knowing why he died. I didn't want an autopsy done because I didn't want them taking his body and not getting it back (and having my daughter left with that last thought in her mind with her horse), I didn't want somebody who didn't know or love him to treat him indifferently and destroy his beautiful body, and I wanted him to be buried with some dignity because he was that kind of horse. The result of that is that it leaves me with questions and it hurts.

Rex died sometime on late Wednesday night/Thurday morning a week ago...a week ago from now, on this night. The depth of grief is just miserable.


Anonymous August 28, 2008 at 1:42 AM  

I'm so sorry for your loss :( :( :( I know how wonderful horses are. You know, it sounds like he was able to live a wonderful life right up until the end, so however he passed, is not really important. Know that he passed a happy boy, and with an owner that loved him... i'm sure that's all he needed. :) Feel better soon! All of you.. xo Laura

KellyLynne September 1, 2008 at 8:24 PM  

I have been there, my thoughts are with your family

Anonymous September 4, 2008 at 8:34 AM  

I'm so sorry for the loss of Rex. My daughter is an avid horseback rider and has lost a horse recently. I can totally attest to that sorrow. He wasn't our horse, he belonged to the barn, so I would imagine your loss is felt even stronger. I'm so sorry.

I LOVE your blog btw and will definitely be back!

Syn September 4, 2008 at 9:09 AM  

Thanks Laura for the kind words. He was definitely loved.

Thanks Kelly. It's been two weeks today since he died. It's getting better (less tears now).

Thanks Nicole. My daughter had her heart broken but she's doing better now. She has yet to ride again but it's only been two weeks. Glad you'll be back. I start my adventures again next week with my mare who is in training (had to give myself a few weeks after Rex passed and now have to force myself to get into things again). It's time for her and I to start riding together now but I sure wish Rex was here. He was the been there, done that trustworthy horse and my mare is the green, just learning so please don't scare the crap out of me mare. He was an awesome horse.

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