Successful Ride Today

>> Sep 21, 2008

Well, the ride didn't happen the other day like planned for my daughter (see previous post). It was rescheduled. It happened today instead. I wondered if it would bring more tears, but it went better than I expected.

My daughter was a bit nervous about riding a different horse, since Rex died, but she did great. She walk, trot, cantered our trainer's horse around. She was subdued throughout the ride until the end (what brought out a smile is in the next paragraph). She told me afterward that she felt a bit guilty every time she saw Rex's tree (where he is buried) out in the hay field. She said she thought he was watching her riding a different horse out there from the hay field or in the arena with them. (I told her Rex would want her to be happy and riding again.)

She also had another first. She took the horse over rails today - three times actually. Cross rails? (I'm not a jumper if you can't tell.) The first two times, the rails came down but by the third time, they were hopping over it and she had a BIG smile on her face after that. That brought a smile out.

She said she still isn't ready to have another horse right now of her own but she does get to take care of one of our trainer's horses over the winter which she is thrilled about. If they bond, this mare may end up being hers so having the winter to bond (and have the pain of losing Rex diminish a bit) will be good for her.

This last month has been very sad and still brings tears at times. However, she left the stable today ready to start lessons again. She didn't want to leave the stable today whereas at other times this past month, she wanted to leave and usually left crying.

So I will share some pictures with you of her first ride after losing her horse, Rex, a month ago today. This was the horse a little over a year ago that she couldn't get to do anything for her because she didn't have any confidence riding and he knew it. Look at her now after Rex instilled in her the confidence to enjoy riding:


Riding Again After Death of Horse

>> Sep 18, 2008

Tonight my daughter will ride again for the first time since her best friend, her horse Rex, died last month. It's been almost a month since we lost him unexpectedly (see posts about Rex below these). I have mixed feelings about tonight. I want her to get back on and move forward because losing Rex was so very hard for my daughter and I don't want her to lose the confidence her gave her, but my heart still has a hole in it from losing Rex so it will be very sad at the same time to see her for the first time on another horse.

Our trainer is going to put her on one of her own horses. In another week or so, she will bring down one of her mares to the farm (weaning mommy and baby) and Bree will take care of her over the winter. She is really looking forward to that.


Pet Heaven? I hope so!

>> Sep 9, 2008

With the recent loss of Rex, my daughter's horse, it gave us an opportunity to discuss together our beliefs on whether our beloved pets are still around us or if we will see them again "on the other side." I believe they are and that we will. I believe that because I personally feel it is true deeply and because of experiences I've had myself.


JeeNee Then

>> Sep 8, 2008

We bought JeeNee sight unseen two years ago this past July. This is what she looked like when we bought her:

You can see videos and pictures throughout my blog here taken since on how much she's changed from the spooky with humans and gawky horse to the happy, healthy and well-behaved horse.


Today's Pics of JeeNee

I just returned from the stable. JeeNee's mane received a good grooming and then I braided it. Here she is:

These were taken with my cell phone so they're not the best quality, but still pretty.


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