Android Tablet

>> Sep 21, 2011

Who has an Android Tablet? My son stopped to mess with a tablet while we were out shopping today. They have so many electronic gizmos available that I've lost track of what things are anymore. I used to be able to keep up and knew quite a bit about computers and such but not anymore. I think my age is showing.  Why does turning 40 feel like 60 to me?  It really shouldn't.  40 isn't really that old.  Maybe I thought 40 was old when I was 15 but I shouldn't anymore.


Breeding Your Horse

I sometimes think about breeding my spotted draft. She's a beautiful horse (sired by Dominant Jeans).  The risk to her always stops me from thinking about it too much.  I don't want to lose her and my fear of that risk always outweighs the desire to see her with a little spotted foal by her side.

I wouldn't know where to start in terms of finding a stud for her anyway.  It's not like they have free online dating for horses. Kidding.  I'm sure our trainer would have some ideas but again, my fear is always going to stop me.  I'd rather have her and just her than risk her to have a foal by her.


107 Days Until Christmas

>> Sep 8, 2011

I can not believe winter is coming up so fast already.  I am NOT a winter person.  I enjoy Christmas and snow days (only because I can turn off the alarm and stay in bed rather than get the kids up for school) but the cold?  Nope.  ...the ice?  Nope.  ...the snow?  Heck no.

It's time to start gathering Christmas lists (and if you like a good party at Christmas, get those 
Christmas Party Invitations ordered).  I started couponing a couple months ago and I'm wondering what kind of coupon deals I can get for toys and stuff so I am going to start window shopping now.  I did find some great coupons for board games just the other day.  Remember Connect Four?  Did I just age myself?


Medical Field During Economy

>> Sep 2, 2011

Just received news that one of my sisters is moving into less expensive housing because her Chiropractor husband's practice that he works out of isn't doing as well as it was doing due to the economy.  He needs to find a different area to look for Chiropractor Jobs.  The area they're in now has too many rural areas surrounding it.  You'd think the medical field would be untouchable from the economy. After all, people are always going to hurt themselves or get sick.

I'm still waiting for this economy to pick up.  Seems like I've been waiting years.  Oh wait, I have been.


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