107 Days Until Christmas

>> Sep 8, 2011

I can not believe winter is coming up so fast already.  I am NOT a winter person.  I enjoy Christmas and snow days (only because I can turn off the alarm and stay in bed rather than get the kids up for school) but the cold?  Nope.  ...the ice?  Nope.  ...the snow?  Heck no.

It's time to start gathering Christmas lists (and if you like a good party at Christmas, get those 
Christmas Party Invitations ordered).  I started couponing a couple months ago and I'm wondering what kind of coupon deals I can get for toys and stuff so I am going to start window shopping now.  I did find some great coupons for board games just the other day.  Remember Connect Four?  Did I just age myself?


Unknown September 8, 2011 at 2:45 PM  

Why are you counting down til Christmas? lol! It seems a long time away, but it will be here before we know it. I am dreading snow and ice and cold. It is fun for a minute, then I am ready for it to melt.
Michigan seems to only see the extremes. This summer was so hot or rainy, I hope the winter is mild!

Syn September 9, 2011 at 2:54 AM  

The next 106 days will fly by with my kids' schedules. I actually started shopping yesterday for the holidays. Usually I don't start for another two months. I like Christmas, not looking forward to the winter along with it though.

Syn September 9, 2011 at 2:55 AM  

By the way, I'm from MI too:) Don't live there now but born and raised.

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