I Extreme Coupon

>> Oct 7, 2011

I have become an extreme couponer - not to the extent of the television show online (really, who needs 100 candy bars?).  However, I have a nice supply of bath, hair, feminine, and oral care products that I didn't spend a whole lot on.  Yeah me.  Who knew you could buy a high quality deodorant for little to nothing?  I do now!

I have a few sites I visit daily that helps direct me to the coupons I need.  I also do a google search when I need something that isn't on those sites - for instance, google kmart coupons and you can find coupons for a specific store. I also google by product name with "coupons" in the search engine.  It's not possible to find coupons for everything you need (butcher meat and milk coupons are few but once in awhile you come across them) but you can find enough to make a dent in your grocery budget.


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