Happy Thanksgiving!

>> Nov 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

We have finished with the big dinner.  We have it in the middle of the afternoon so we have room for dessert a few hours later!  After dessert and the kids go to bed, we will enjoy a few cocktails with my in-laws and play games probably. It will be my "few times a year" drink (definitely not a candidate for los angeles rehab).

Now to decide between chocolate pie, cherry pie, pecan pie, or pumpkin pie!  Decisions, decisions!



>> Nov 12, 2011

A friend of mine is having some business issues and is in need of researching raleigh business lawyers for some help. I am not any help in the business arena of the law. Family law? I can find my way around that a little bit (went to school for paralegal and have been married to a non-custodial father with a nasty ex for almost 16 years now). Really, the real life experience with his ex and the constant court appearances have been the best experience in terms of knowing the ins and outs of the family court system. I can refer her to some bulldog family lawyers but not business.  I am sure between the Internet and word of mouth, she'll find what she needs.


Foul T-Shirts

>> Nov 6, 2011

I just received my free t-shirt through the mail.  It says "hot 'n juicy" on it (after the Wendy's hamburger).  That's about as foul mouth as I can get because of the kids.  It REALLY means a hamburger but if you have THAT kind of mind...it doesn't mean a hamburger.  I figured it would be a great t-shirt to wear to parent teacher conferences!  Kidding! My kids just shook their heads when it came in the mail.  I could be more foul mouthed like with Foulmouthshirts funny tee shirts but hot 'n juicy is about as bad as I can get away with in this house - four kids.  Usually, I am a "do as I say and not as I do" kind of person but in this case, I better behave a little bit.


Trail Ride with Horses

It has been a few years since I've been on a trail ride. My husband and I went to northern Michigan and rode through some nice trails with a trail guide.  The other trail rides were way in my past - childhood past.

We've never taken our own horses on the trails though. I'm not sure how they would do outside of the arena. I think Tequila would do fine on the trails. She has a great personality - look!


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