Foul T-Shirts

>> Nov 6, 2011

I just received my free t-shirt through the mail.  It says "hot 'n juicy" on it (after the Wendy's hamburger).  That's about as foul mouth as I can get because of the kids.  It REALLY means a hamburger but if you have THAT kind of doesn't mean a hamburger.  I figured it would be a great t-shirt to wear to parent teacher conferences!  Kidding! My kids just shook their heads when it came in the mail.  I could be more foul mouthed like with Foulmouthshirts funny tee shirts but hot 'n juicy is about as bad as I can get away with in this house - four kids.  Usually, I am a "do as I say and not as I do" kind of person but in this case, I better behave a little bit.


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