Men Confuse Me

>> Dec 29, 2011

I bought my husband a Keurig single-brew coffee maker that he really wanted for Christmas.  He has yet to use it.  I set it up for him.  He drinks coffee everyday but is still using the old pot right next to the Keurig. Why did he want it if he is just going to let it sit?  I can't figure out what he is doing.  I have even bought him four boxes of coffee to use.  I will never understand the male mind.

I was looking at an airpot thermos for him to take to work but I don't even know if he's going to use the new pot.  I bought him the Platinum version too.  Perhaps I should've stuck to the under $100 Keurig.  Oy.


Disengaged Stepmom

I've reached my limit on what I can take being a stepmom after 16 years.  I disengage.  I back away.  If I need to get a Siegel pop up booth to advertise it, I will. When my stepkids were younger, it was tough but we were a family despite the ex. The "his" and "ours" blended (there were issues but there was still love and closeness).  During the teen years, the kids became their mother. The damage control with trying to teach them manners, responsibility, sympathy, compassion, etc., when they weren't being taught those things with their other parent, just didn't work any longer. My stepdaughter is 19 - old enough to know better on appropriate behavior. I don't have to put up with disrespectful, outright rude behavior or snubbing at important events. There's no excuse at this point. I don't know what happened to my sweet stepchild but I disengage. I honestly don't know if it's the Prozac the ex put her on (that she didn't need) or if their mother finally "won" with her nastiness (therapists said they behave a certain way to please their mom - - perhaps that bad behavior is just who they are now).

They aren't my kids. It's not my problem.  If my husband doesn't feel like he has any influence over them anymore - correct inappropriate behavior or at least bring it up, then I certainly don't have to deal with it over and over again.


Disney Band Trip

>> Dec 20, 2011

My daughter is in Disney with her high school band.  They marched at Disney and then the rest of the trip was all fun, all the time.  She comes home tomorrow and I can't wait.

She texted yesterday and wanted to know what her dad and I wanted from Disney.   We told her not to spend her trip money on us, to enjoy her trip herself (and bring back the change).  On the way home, I should tell her band teacher to stop and get hubby some swisher cigars in Jacksonville but the kids won't let him smoke, lol.


Bathroom Remodel

The bathroom remodel was halfway finished over Thanksgiving.  We replaced some of the plumbing in the walls and the fixtures.  I went with an antique bronze finish but now I'm wondering if I should have went with stainless steel faucets instead. Now to get a new bathroom vanity and lay new flooring and the bathroom will be complete. Can't wait. It seems like every project in this house is only halfway finished. We have to do it in bits and pieces because of my husband's schedule. I think for our next house, it either needs to be move-in ready or the major remodeling needs to happen BEFORE we move in.


What's Up With Me

>> Dec 9, 2011

I just finished editing a video of my daughter and her friends acting out a scene from Of Mice and Men.  I have to say - I don't like this book at all.  How morbid. She used her horse, Tequila, in the video so we shot half of it at the barn.  Tequila didn't want to move in the shot - that was a blooper for the video.  Cold, messy, but fun!

I have a few more people on my Christmas list yet and then I am done.  It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...  I did a majority of my Christmas shopping online for my kids and my husband.  With all the free shipping deals for things for my kids, it was just easier.

Not much else going on right now.  Just the way I like it.


Horse in the Movies

>> Dec 7, 2011

My daughter used her horse for a school assignment last week.  She and a couple of her classmates have to act out a scene in a book they read so she chose a horse scene and I had to videotape her galloping off, looking like a guy on a horse running away.  Too funny.  Now I need to edit it all and put it together for them.  Tequila will be a local movie star:)


Music in the Family

It amazes people  when they come over to see all the guitars we have in cases and hanging on the walls.  I have two acoustic guitars (Takamine and Yamaha).  My daughter has four acoustic (Yamaha and couple others).  My middle daughter has a Yamaha acoustic and Fender electric.  My youngest has a mini Fender.  I can't even keep track of what my husband has.  I know he has about five electric guitarsand an Ibanez as well as a semi-hollow body and a couple acoustic guitars.

Add in two flutes and my son's full drum set and my singing kids and we're a regular music family.


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