Deck Maintenance

>> Apr 4, 2012

I have spent the last two days cleaning the green off my deck.  How gross.  I have it almost where I need it to stain it but I have to get the algae completely off.  I want my husband to check all the nails, screws, and the lag screws he and his dad used when they built it to make sure all is sound (should be since it is only a few years old but seeing how the deck is raised halfway up my house...better to be safe than sorry).

My mother-in-law says not to use stain because it gets slippery.  If not stain, then what?


Good Lawn Mower Model?

I am looking for a good riding lawn mower for sale - used or new...just has to run well and not break the bank.  I see ads for bobcats for sale but not a lot of riding lawn mowers.  What is a good name and model? Right now, we pay somebody to cut our lawn and I think it'd save us money in the long run just to do it ourselves.  It's getting expensive - especially with gas prices going up so high.  The lawn prices keep going up.


Summer Recreation

>> Mar 1, 2012

My six-year-old has decided she is moving in with a friend of mine.  Because this friend has a pool and hot tub.

Mom has been tossed aside for water fun. Does she not realize how much weight I gained to bring her into this world?

My kids have been asking for a pool for years.  I'm leaning more towards a relaxing hot tub and have been pricing hot tub covers for sale to see what all is involved for cleanliness and safety.  It'd also be nice just to have a pool to cool off in this summer too.  How to decide?


Missing Rex

>> Feb 28, 2012

I've been trying to listen to Rex's memorial page and the sound isn't working for me.  I have a nice song as the background and can't figure out if it is my web page or my computer. I'm not happy.

Rex has been gone 3-1/2 years and he is still missed.  I found some old video of him the other day and my daughter and I were close to tears. It's amazing when you find that one special horse that just fits.  That makes it harder when you lose him.  He was such an amazing, silly, special gentle giant of a horse.


Cowboy Boot Shopping

>> Feb 25, 2012

OMGosh, I found my Justin Bent Rail boots at a decent price online. I've wanted these boots for over a year. My sister has been sending me pictures of cowboy boots that she was buying and it gave me an itch to look for my Justin Bent Rail boots again.

Aren't they beautiful?

My only pair of cowboy boots are red.  I really should've picked a more neutral color because I can't always wear red (though I do love them).  I think I need these brown, distressed Justin boots.  I think they'd look great on my feet.  I think my horse would love them too.  Really, she would:)  With her cinnamon and brown saddle pad, she'd appreciate my color coordinating my boots with her outfit too!


Fluffy, Muddy Horses

>> Feb 4, 2012

This winter it is either cold & ice or warmth & mud - there hasn't been any in-between for us yet. Makes for some fluffy, but muddy, horses!

Slop, slop, slop!!


Iodine from Seaweed

>> Jan 21, 2012

I was taking iodine supplements for my thyroid, but was wondering if seaweed products would help as well.  I am all for as natural as possible.  I'm not a big supporter of medicating with prescription drugs unless necessary and I'd love to give enough support to my thyroid that I could possibly reduce my thyroid dosages (assuming my thyroid isn't totally useless at this point).

I've been hypothyroid with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, goiter, and nodules for more than ten years now.  What an emotional roller coaster ride!


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