Thyroid Results are a Disappointment

>> May 2, 2009

Well, I received my thyroid lab results back today and I was very disappointed. Because my doctor uses the "old" recommendations for hormone levels instead of the newest ones since 2003, they consider my thyroid levels "normal" and won't be adjusting my medication. Talk about wanting to break down and cry! I haven't felt like myself in years. Now I will look for a different doctor - somebody who will listen to me instead of just look at the lab results.

I was so hopeful in getting my medication adjusted to get my memory back and losing this weight. Maybe I should just pop a diet pill everyday for a little metabolic help. My doctor sure hasn't been any help.

You can read more about my thyroid woes on my Healthy Me blog. I've put all my levels and such there.


Baby care May 19, 2009 at 6:13 AM  

why dont you get your test done again and consult another doctor for your problem

Syn May 19, 2009 at 8:52 AM  

I need to but the problem I am having is finding a doctor that will use the new recommendations for results. All the ones I have called so far use labs that use the old recommendations. I've even called a bunch of labs.

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