My Daughter's New Horse - Tequila Sunrise

>> May 29, 2009

Last year, on August 21, 2008, my daughter's heart broke when her horse, Rex, died unexpectedly. It was devastating to her to lose him. She'd been through some rough times in the previous year and she came out of it with her strong bond with Rex. She was happy again with Rex. Rex had such a personality that I wondered if there'd be another horse with so much character.

It's been nine months since Rex passed and she's been riding Tequila this year, our trainer's mare. They've been learning together (Tequila hasn't had formal training as she'd been a broodmare previously but she has such an easy going personality that it didn't seem to matter). The extent of Tequila's riding experience was when the girls at the stable would jump on her bareback with just a lead rope and ride her around in a parking lot at a show (she's great at shows for halter). Tequila wasn't going to have anymore babies so it was time for her to become a riding horse.

Bree has been the one riding her...first on a lunge line with the trainer and then, quicker than I expected, on her own. I didn't realize it until last week but Bree has been the only one to ride her for training. It's a great accomplishment for my daughter. As expected, Tequila was easily trained for riding and my daughter can now say she helped "break" a horse for riding ("break" isn't the right word...Tequila wants to do what you want her to do). They bonded beautifully.

Tequila is a unique horse in her own, funny way. I'm working on the video to post here to show you what I mean (she's hilarious). You'll have to check out the video when I get it posted.

Anyway, the point of all of this (sorry, I got to rambling), is that Tequila's owner (our trainer) gave Tequila to Bree after her lesson this past Wednesday. Tequila Sunrise is now Bree's horse. She was finally ready for another horse and now she has one to love again. They work well together and love each other. Here they are:

In June, they will go to their first horse show together for halter.


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