Back From Vacation

>> Jul 30, 2009

Our vacation is over. I enjoyed seeing family but I REALLY loved my bed when I got home. I could do without my living room furniture and didn't have withdrawals over not having a computer for six days but I appreciated my bed after eight hours in a car to get home!

We traveled to Michigan by car to visit my side of the family for a couple of days and then my husband's side of the family for a few days. We had 4 - 5 kids in the car with us (depending on what part of the trip we were on) and y'all probably know that traveling with kids can test your patience. It did ours at times.

I was glad to be home but it got my husband and I talking about finishing what needs to be finished in our house so it is presentable to people when they come over - like painting walls (this is HUGE and will make a big difference), building a small "room" around the monster furnace we had installed last year so we can finish our family room that the furnace is in. I'd love to look at copper kitchen sinks but we planned wrong. I should have picked the sink at the same time I picked my counter. It wouldn't go with my new kitchen countertops. They do have some that would work in our small bathroom that needs to be remodeled as well though.


Minor Annoyance During Vacation

>> Jul 22, 2009

We have to see the ex when we pick up my stepkids. I haven't seen her in four years (hubby usually does that by himself thankfully). I'm not stressing over it a lot or anything...don't need to run out and get a life insurance quote because I'm going to give myself heart problems over it. It's just a minor annoyance (she's just a minor annoyance in our a fly). I was just hoping to get through the next four years without having to deal with her at all. The last four have been so nice!


Vacation Plans

We'll be heading out on vacation really soon. My sister is due to have her baby on the day we arrive. We were hoping she'd have her tonight or tomorrow so we don't miss seeing the new little arrival. It'd save my sister from sending out so many baby announcements too.

Our horses are taken care of at the stable. Our goldfish is going to the neighbor. Our dogs are going to the kennel and our snake will be just fine without us here for a couple days. No worries!


Our Dog Has Some More Time With Us

>> Jul 16, 2009

The vet visit for our dog today is over. She has a partially collapsed trachea so she is probably always going to cough. She will be more prone to infections like bronchitis. It's not time to put my old girl down yet so I am relieved. We can manage this right now.


Thoroughbred For Adoption - Salt and Pepper Annie

>> Jul 15, 2009

I made a video today for a thoroughbred at a local rescue that has gone up for adoption. If you know of anybody interested, she's beautiful.

If you'd like to know more, check her out here.


Road Trip!

We're planning a driving trip to another state soon to visit family. With four kids, it makes for a tight fit (and sometimes a long trip). I was thinking about renting a rv and making the trip much more comfortable. I wonder if we could bring our dogs if we did that? It would save kennel costs for three dogs. It might be worth it. Would it save on bathroom stops too (can you use the bathrooms while the rv is actually driving)?


Riding Lesson Progress

>> Jul 13, 2009

Quick Update:

Tequila and my daughter are doing great together! She's riding Tequila every week and they're coming along nicely together.


Who's Started Christmas Shopping?

>> Jul 6, 2009

I am seriously considering that I need to start this summer. I've never started that early before but with money as tight as it is, it would save us the huge financial crunch we'll have at the end of the year if I spread it out starting about right now.

I was looking at heart jewelry for the older girls, specifically bracelets or necklaces. I came across this heart ring that I love! I know I'm not supposed to be shopping for myself but I can online window shop!


Horses Meet Technology

When I think of riding, I think of country, laid back, relaxation, away from the business of day-to-day life. What you see now, that you didn't see years ago, is everybody pulling out their iPhone while riding to check messages or teenagers all gathered around in a barn texting. Better make sure you buy the necessary iphone accessories to protect your phone if it's going to get roughed up at a barn or while riding.

Being with our horses is a stress reliever for me. However, that doesn't stop me from having my phone with me at all times for emergencies. If I can check email and text too, it's a bonus!


Dress Like A Cowgirl

>> Jul 2, 2009

Did you know that Cowgirl Chic is all the rage right now? I love my red cowgirl boots personally. I'll love it even more when I can wear my red leather jacket in the Fall to match! Sometimes I feel like I'm getting stares when I'm wearing them out in public but who cares right? I wear what I like!


Product: Equine Scratcher

>> Jul 1, 2009

I received an email this morning about a product called the Equine Scratcher. It is a relatively inexpensive product that allows horses to scratch safely so they aren't tearing themselves up. The short video for how it is installed and how horses use it is here. I've seen it for sale from $31 - $35 so far.

I can see how our Tequila would love something like this since she loves scratches! Did you see the video of that I posted a few weeks back?

They claim the Equine Scratcher is safer for horses. What do you think?


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