Back From Vacation

>> Jul 30, 2009

Our vacation is over. I enjoyed seeing family but I REALLY loved my bed when I got home. I could do without my living room furniture and didn't have withdrawals over not having a computer for six days but I appreciated my bed after eight hours in a car to get home!

We traveled to Michigan by car to visit my side of the family for a couple of days and then my husband's side of the family for a few days. We had 4 - 5 kids in the car with us (depending on what part of the trip we were on) and y'all probably know that traveling with kids can test your patience. It did ours at times.

I was glad to be home but it got my husband and I talking about finishing what needs to be finished in our house so it is presentable to people when they come over - like painting walls (this is HUGE and will make a big difference), building a small "room" around the monster furnace we had installed last year so we can finish our family room that the furnace is in. I'd love to look at copper kitchen sinks but we planned wrong. I should have picked the sink at the same time I picked my counter. It wouldn't go with my new kitchen countertops. They do have some that would work in our small bathroom that needs to be remodeled as well though.


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