Minor Annoyance During Vacation

>> Jul 22, 2009

We have to see the ex when we pick up my stepkids. I haven't seen her in four years (hubby usually does that by himself thankfully). I'm not stressing over it a lot or anything...don't need to run out and get a life insurance quote because I'm going to give myself heart problems over it. It's just a minor annoyance (she's just a minor annoyance in our life...like a fly). I was just hoping to get through the next four years without having to deal with her at all. The last four have been so nice!


Anonymous July 29, 2009 at 5:31 AM  

Hi could you please tell me how you manage to change the header of this template taken from freeskins.blogspot.com

I have a image of 980 px width and 260 px height but it does not fit in. I stuck up on left side of the page and does not spread all through. Could you please tell me why ?

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