Rex on my Mind

>> Dec 11, 2010

At 5:00 a.m. this morning when I couldn't sleep, I started thinking about the loss of Rex (my daughter's horse that died a couple years ago)  and got all teary over him.  It's amazing how an animal can really touch you to that extent. 

I've not been sleeping well the past few nights.  Last night I did get almost six hours (to make up for only getting two hours' sleep the night before I guess).  I have a lot of things on my mind - all the different things the kids need for school in the coming week, redecorating our bathroom and getting a bigger bathroom vanity so my kids stop fighting over the bathroom space every morning, the family dysfunction that gets amped up during the holidays, and money.  Despite all of that, I am looking forward to the holidays.  It'll be a nice break with my kids out of school.


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