Recent Pics of Our Painted Girls

>> Aug 13, 2011

Woo hoo!  Waking up in the morning to cool air is such a relief after this super hot summer!  Much cooler for the horses and my spotted draft LOVES the cooler weather (that is the Clydesdale in her). She gets quite frisky! Then at night, we can light up the fire in the pit and relax (I really want to look at outdoor fireplaces but I'll have to make do with my pit until we find exactly what I want).

Here are a few recent pictures of our painted girls...

My girl.

This picture below is my daughter's horse.  In this picture, this pretty mare was watching her girl ride MY horse in the arena. She sat looking through this fence for the entire time.  Think she was a little unhappy at being left behind?  

I love color on horses, if you can't tell.


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