A Girl and Her Horse

>> Jul 28, 2008

Learning to Canter

My daughter and her best friend . . .


Horse with Artificial Limb

This is Molly. She was abandoned when Katrina came through. She was rescued and left at a farm full of abandoned animals when a Pit Bull attacked her. The leg then became infected. Being an abandoned animal and a horse with an injured leg, death would have been at the top of the list as options for her but the surgeon saw something in Molly. He removed her leg below the knee and an artificial limb was created for her. She walked out of the clinic. Amazing huh? It's true.


Free Kibble for Dogs and Cats

>> Jul 11, 2008

If you play Bow Wow Trivia at Free Kibble (http://www.freekibble.com/), you can help feed dogs who need it at animal shelters. You answer one simple trivia question. It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong...20 pieces of kibble get donated.

Since April 1, 2008, as of the time I am typing this now, 1,213,290 pieces of kibble have been donated for dogs.

Go ahead and play it. It will only take 10 seconds at most of your time and you will help feed a dog in need. You can play this game once a day so remember to bookmark and go back everyday.

If you are a cat lover, don't forget Free Kibble Kat (http://www.freekibblekat.com/). Again, it is 20 free pieces of kibble for a kitty in need. Click below and take ten seconds to feed a cat in need.


Horse Tantrum & First Ride

JeeNee is in training. Yesterday, taking her into a new place to work for the first time, asking her to canter, and her being on the wrong lead (plus going into season) will give you this:

Learning to longe like a lady.


The tantrum is coming...


Wait for it...


Gearing up good and getting pushy...


Ahhh, there it is:


Like a child, she started out being a little bit difficult before going into full-blown tantrum mode, lol.

She lost. She was allowed to stop once she behaved and did what she was supposed to:


Now that she's being a good girl again and is tired, it's time for me to sit on her for the first time.

My first time on my filly:


She was too tired after her tantrum to care:


She sure enjoyed her sponge bath afterward!

My daughter took the pictures of me on her. She got a close up of me getting off of her but I'll spare everybody that one:)

This morning, I went back to the stable so our trainer could show me how to longe her myself. We took her into the arena she is used to and I longed her. She was great. No tantrums today.


Horse Breeding

>> Jul 9, 2008

My spotted draft has a great disposition and is very easily trained. She's wonderful and quite striking. She would have awesome babies. I don't know if I will ever breed her though. I am not sure if that is selfish on my part - not giving her a chance to have her own - or if horses care one way or the other at all. My reason for not wanting to breed her is that I am too afraid I would lose her. I have read some sad stories of mares lost during birthing and I don't want to risk it. Would I be depriving her? I guess the only one who could really tell me is my girl and since I'm not a Horse Whisperer, I can't know the answer to that.


One More Day

One more day until I get to sit on my girl for the first time! I can't wait!! By this time tomorrow night, I would have been on my filly. If I could do cartwheels and back bends still, I would right now, but I don't want to pull my old back out and have to cancel tomorrow:)




My First Ride on Filly

>> Jul 8, 2008

Thursday is the day. I will get to sit on my filly for the first time ever. I am hoping maybe a little walk around too but we will see. After two years of just being able to look at her and work on ground stuff, I will be on the back of my spotted draft horse. Yeah! I'm really excited.

I am hoping to have some pictures of the big event! If any of them turn out (my daughter will be taking them, lol), I will post one here.


Mom's Time

>> Jul 6, 2008

Well, as I posted about the other day, this momma was going to take some time for herself which I did.

I had a riding lesson on Rex and spent a few hours down at the stable - no kids. I rode until Sexy Rexy was getting tired and it was time to cool him down, love on him and let him go back to his pasture. He was a great guy - he is a horse that really takes care of you. He doesn't act silly or spooky. He's very steady.

Next week, I am going to sit on my filly for the first time ever. We've had her a couple years but she's not been ready for riding yet. We had to give her growth plates time. I want a horse taught slow and right, not broke fast and hard and then ruined in a few years. Anyway, I am hoping to get a picture of that. I can't wait!

Our trainer, who is wonderful, is training her in exchange for my keeping up their rescue web site. I appreciate that so much because she is doing an awesome job with JeeNee and I enjoy helping in what little way I can with their rescue efforts for the thoroughbreds. JeeNee is going to be a great riding horse. Our trainer told me yesterday that she was going to continue to work with her a few days a week for the rest of the year! How wonderful is that?

Of course, I came home to a frazzled husband after having the four kids to watch for a couple hours. Our three year old was in one of her toddler moods so he had his hands full. I wanted to say, "welcome to my world" but I held my tongue, lol.


Taking Time for Myself

>> Jul 2, 2008

I have my lesson on Saturday. It's been a few weeks since I've rode and I am excited to leave the kids at home with dad and go to the barn for my de-stressing time. It always makes me feel better to go to the barn and see the horses and after this past week with the kids (it's been one of those weeks), I am welcoming the time for myself on Saturday.

I think moms need to take more time for themselves. I know I don't but I should. I feel guilty when I do but I really shouldn't. I deserve to have a little time to myself. I only take it now ever few weeks and realistically, I should carve that time out to myself on a weekly basis.


She is Looking Like a Natural

My daughter had another lesson on Rex yesterday. She is looking like a natural. I didn't see any of the fear or anxiety on her face. I did see a lot of smiling! She was cantering and moving into posting when he slowed to a trot. Our trainer left her longe whip at the barn on purpose so my daughter would have no choice but to keep him going herself and she did. She was having a good ole time! It's a good thing our trainer took down the jumps though because she's eyeing them. The rails were laying flat on the ground and she was walking him over them. I know she's going to want to jump in the future. I can see it in her face.


World Bikini Barrel Race

>> Jul 1, 2008

World Bikini Barrel Race

I couldn't do this fully clothed, let alone with a bikini on the back of a horse. Imagining the saddle burn...oh my. Imagine wiping out in a bikini - no thank you. I'll keep my clothes on and my jiggles private!


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