Mom's Time

>> Jul 6, 2008

Well, as I posted about the other day, this momma was going to take some time for herself which I did.

I had a riding lesson on Rex and spent a few hours down at the stable - no kids. I rode until Sexy Rexy was getting tired and it was time to cool him down, love on him and let him go back to his pasture. He was a great guy - he is a horse that really takes care of you. He doesn't act silly or spooky. He's very steady.

Next week, I am going to sit on my filly for the first time ever. We've had her a couple years but she's not been ready for riding yet. We had to give her growth plates time. I want a horse taught slow and right, not broke fast and hard and then ruined in a few years. Anyway, I am hoping to get a picture of that. I can't wait!

Our trainer, who is wonderful, is training her in exchange for my keeping up their rescue web site. I appreciate that so much because she is doing an awesome job with JeeNee and I enjoy helping in what little way I can with their rescue efforts for the thoroughbreds. JeeNee is going to be a great riding horse. Our trainer told me yesterday that she was going to continue to work with her a few days a week for the rest of the year! How wonderful is that?

Of course, I came home to a frazzled husband after having the four kids to watch for a couple hours. Our three year old was in one of her toddler moods so he had his hands full. I wanted to say, "welcome to my world" but I held my tongue, lol.


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