Free Kibble for Dogs and Cats

>> Jul 11, 2008

If you play Bow Wow Trivia at Free Kibble (, you can help feed dogs who need it at animal shelters. You answer one simple trivia question. It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong...20 pieces of kibble get donated.

Since April 1, 2008, as of the time I am typing this now, 1,213,290 pieces of kibble have been donated for dogs.

Go ahead and play it. It will only take 10 seconds at most of your time and you will help feed a dog in need. You can play this game once a day so remember to bookmark and go back everyday.

If you are a cat lover, don't forget Free Kibble Kat ( Again, it is 20 free pieces of kibble for a kitty in need. Click below and take ten seconds to feed a cat in need.


Art for Hair July 12, 2008 at 6:15 AM  

Thanks for the link! I just discovered your blog and loved reading about your horse in the previous post.

Syn July 12, 2008 at 6:29 AM  

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed my blog. I visited your site and I LOVE your art for hair. I plan on coming back once I get half my hair donated to Locks of Love. I'll still have plenty left over for some hair art!

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