Happy Birthday to Me
>> Oct 17, 2008
Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 37. Ewww. I ran right out and bought a bunch of anti-wrinkle product for my face. Nope, I'm not paranoid about getting older. Yeah right.

Since I am all about matching, I did recently see a black and brown western bridle on eBay that I will have to look for (yeah!) when I'm able to afford the bridle for her so everything matches her pretty black saddle. Apparently, JeeNee shouldn't be carrying anything on herself that makes her appear like she's hauling around a geek so my neurotic insistence on things matching is to her benefit - she has to keep up appearances ya know:) LOL. Now I am going to have to ride again soon before it gets too cold. I haven't rode since before Rex died. I still miss the big guy...it still catches me by surprise sometimes how much.
While on the birthday subject and back to happy stuff, here is the birthday cake my husband ordered for me. I haven't had a fun cake like this since I was a kid:)
My three-year-old was sitting next to me when I blew out the candles. I couldn't blow them all out with one breath (which got me teased by hubby...hey, give me a break - asthmatic here! lol). Apparently there was too much smoke when I blew them all out because my youngest started coughing and waving her hands around to clear the smoke...the lil turd.
My kids all made me cards. They were all sweet...how much they love me, telling me I'm a good mom, they appreciate what I do for them (I'm going to keep these so I can pull them out when they're teenagers and remember the good ole days), that I'm a cool mom, awesome, etc. My son made me one of those flippy books so if you flip thru it quickly, it looks like a movie scene. It was of me and him getting closer and closer thru the book and the last page was of us hugging. It was adorable. They sung me songs too. I didn't hear from my stepkids (it would tick their mother off if they acknowledged me so I wasn't expecting it if they did remember, which wasn't likely) so no big surprise there. It wasn't going to mess up my day. My kids and hubby did a great job of celebrating my birthday yesterday. I have very thoughtful kids and hubby.
LOL @ looking like a geek!
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