Walmart Dog Collar Made By SimplyShe Almost Kills Dog

>> Oct 27, 2008

Well, almost losing Rex, my daughter's beloved horse, wasn't enough heartache for a little girl I guess. Yesterday, my daughter almost lost her puppy too due to a collar we'd bought for Trixie from Wal-mart made by SimplyShe.

To read the full story, click here.


Ruth December 5, 2008 at 11:58 AM  

That must have been so scary! Wal-Mart sucks, I got a bike for my daughter there once and the bit that holds the front wheel on broke off WHILE SHE WAS RIDING IT less than a year after we got it for her. Fortunately she wasn't hurt beyond a few bumps and bruises.

I'm not surprised they didn't post your reviews, they'd never want to admit anything they sell could possibly do anything bad. I think you're actually within your rights to sue SimplyShe as well, this sort of thing shouldn't be allowed to happen.

lara84 February 20, 2009 at 8:20 PM  

I agree walmart does suck, but all collars are dangerous. My dog once actually got her mouth stuck in hers and it was a high qulity collar. I actually work in an animal supply store and have herd of pets hanging themsleves on accident that where left home alone with a collar on. A collar should never be left on an animal unsupervised unless it is a break away collar specily disigned to come off when pulled on. They also have elastic ones taht work great too, however there usualy for cats, but they do work great for small dogs just to put there tags on you still need a regular collar or harness for walking with.

lara84 February 20, 2009 at 8:20 PM  

I agree walmart does suck, but all collars are dangerous. My dog once actually got her mouth stuck in hers and it was a high qulity collar. I actually work in an animal supply store and have herd of pets hanging themsleves on accident that where left home alone with a collar on. A collar should never be left on an animal unsupervised unless it is a break away collar specily disigned to come off when pulled on. They also have elastic ones taht work great too, however there usualy for cats, but they do work great for small dogs just to put there tags on you still need a regular collar or harness for walking with.

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