JeeNee Jumps Fence

>> Nov 3, 2008

JeeNee got excited last night and decided to do something she's never done before - jump a five-strand fence to get into the other pasture. She cleared it with her front legs and almost cleared it with her back. She hit above her hoof on the way over so she did cut herself but she didn't fall, get caught in the fence, or tear the fence down.

She almost cleared it. This is the first time she's ever done anything like this. I didn't think my moose of a horse would try to jump a fence!

There is no swelling and they aren't stalling her so she doesn't swell up. Hopefully, it doesn't swell and it'll heal without incident. When I heard she jumped a fence, my imagination imagined bad stuff and I think heart skipped a beat (or five) until I heard she was ok. After the phone call telling us Rex had died, I get a little nervous now I guess.

If you have read my previous posts about my daughter learning to jump, we knew she was going to need a jumper in the future to compete if that is what she wanted to do. Is my JeeNee my daughter's future jumper?


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