Busy Summer

>> Jun 2, 2009

So I am trying to plan all the different lessons and stuff this summer. I didn't realize how busy this summer was going to be until I started trying to figure out the schedule.

We have riding lessons for my oldest. My middle daughter is going to start riding lessons. I have to fit mine in there (if my old body can take the abuse). Then two of the kids are in cheerleading in the Fall which starts practicing in July, flute lessons for one, swimming lessons for three, and then workout time for my husband and I to do together. Soccer will hit in August sometime I think. Whew!

In July, my stepkids will be here so then there'll be six kids to take care of instead of four. My sanity is going to take a beating this summer I think.

Geez! Between all the running around, riding and working out 2-3 days a week, I am going to need some serious down time and decent sleep at night. I'll fit sleep in there somewhere between this schedule (except our mattress is bad so there may not be any hope for a good inght's sleep)!

My husband HAS been complaining about our mattress (OK, it is 14 years old so I guess he has a right to complain) so if I "give in" to his complaints and make him think it is his idea, maybe we can have a comfy bed this summer. I don't know how to shop for mattresses though. Firm, soft, water (ok, no water...though hubby likes them and had one when we met that mysteriously sprung a leak), perhaps a sleep number bed...how do you choose? It would definitely make for a better night's sleep so I could handle all these daily activities without becoming a grouch.

The kids get out of school in two days. I only have to make it through the next three months right with my sanity intact?


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