Might Be Moving Our Horses

>> Aug 31, 2010

We are checking into moving back to our home state. We've started job hunting for my husband, and are looking for local jobs in the area we want to move. I talked to a realtor today about finding a home to rent with an option to buy, large enough for six kids, five dogs, and two horses. She didn't sound too positive about finding what we need.

I'm not sure if we'd be taking two horses with us or one horse (which means we'd have to get a second horse after moving which I'd rather not do).  I'd want to take both horses but Tequila was given to my daughter by our trainer with the understanding we'd give her back if didn't want her anymore.  Obviously, we still want her but I think that gift was made without ever thinking we'd move her 200 miles away. 

So much to think about.


Gruene Steam Cleaners

>> Aug 19, 2010

I just tried out for the first time a Gruene steam cleaner (also works as a steam mop).  I've wanted to try steam cleaners since first seeing the Gruene because with my asthma, finding a way to clean without chemicals was important to me.  With children and pets, it's important to kee their breathing environment healthy as well.  Plus, I can help the environment and my lungs at the same time!

I used it in my kitchen sink (to get the "eww" factor cleaned from my sink from four kids tossing food in there all day long), in the bathroom (again, that "eww" factor with mold and mildew), and on my couch.  My next plan is to take it into the basement!

It cleaned off mold and mildew from the bathroom fixtures, very quickly, without the use of any chemicals whatsoever (my asthma thanks Gruene).  I didn't have to rub myself sore to get everything clean either (my arms thank Gruene too).  Even my husband noticed!

I took a short video to show everybody a little bit of what I did with it.

This weekend, I am taking it to the basement to use on the cement floor where our dogs have made themselves too much at home with themselves to rid my house of this pet smell.  I like that I can do this without the need to cover the smells with chemicals!  Using steam is environmentally-friendly, healthier than breathing in toxic chemicals, and so much easier than scrub, scrub, scrubbing!


Back to School & Plans for Mom

>> Aug 18, 2010

My kids go back to school in five days.  My youngest starts school!  That is going to be one very difficult day.  How do you get through that first day of school for your last child without crying?  I so don't want to be a blubbering momma. 

I have plans for myself when school starts.  I am gonig to increase my work-at-home jobs.  I am looking into learning how to make candles and soaps.  I am going to set a housecleaning schedule (woo hoo fun, lol).  I am going to shop smarter, without kids whining, with online coupons now that I will have time to look for them. I am going to start taking riding lessons again! 

I won't just sit around twiddling my thumbs and watching soap operas.  In fact, I have no plans at all to watch any soap operas! 


Tequila saved daughter from kissing the dirt

>> Aug 14, 2010

My daughter was cantering today on Tequila (it's the 3rd time she's cantered on her, 3rd time Tequila has ever cantered with a rider), and my daughter came out of the saddle, falling forward, on her way to falling off.  Tequila stopped and kept her on her back instead of letting her kiss the dirt.  What a good horse!


Daughter's First Solo Ride

>> Aug 10, 2010

My daughter's first solo ride without a trainer at the farm on the horse she helped break to ride.  She had fun! 

I need to go to a wholesaler to find a really good point and shoot camera. The one I used to take this picture is my daughter's. While it is the newest one we have in the house, it's still just a basic camera. I need a better zoom to keep the pixels. Not a bad picture though.


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