Marital Woes

>> Oct 22, 2010

It's been a bit stressful around here lately.  The husband and I have not been getting along well the last few weeks.  It's always the same thing - fighting over his kids/ex.  We don't argue often - usually a couple times a year but when we do...boom!  This time it was his decision (made without my input) that would've cost us an extra couple hundred bucks and made it impossible to make our house payment this month.  Needless to say, I was not a happy wife over his decision.

As of last night, he backed off on it.  Not sure how long it'll take to get over the fact that he made a big decision that affected our family without me when we agreed before we were married never to do that. 

Oh the joys of blending families. 

Done with griping for now.  I need to run to the stable to drop off some stuff for our horses, take my kids Halloween costume shopping and later do some work and research on colon cleanses and colon cleansing reviews. Maybe I should buy hubby a colon cleanse for his birthday!  At the very least, he deserves a lump of coal in his Christmas stocking this year!


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