Love this Picture!

>> Apr 29, 2009

Jeenee & Daughter


Is the economy affecting your horse?

>> Apr 24, 2009

Times are beyond tough all around us right now with the economy the way it is. Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? I am hoping to see it soon. Trying to keep shelter over your family's head and food on the table is becoming more and more difficult for many people. People are not only losing material things or insurance for their family (get an insurance quote here), but their sense of security as well. That is scary.

The human factor aside, what about the animals? Are pets being taken to the vet less often? After all, if it is between paying for an annual dog vaccination OR groceries for your child that week, putting food in your child's mouth would come first. I wonder if the humane societies have seen an increase in pets dropped off this year due to struggling families in financial crisis.

What about your horse? If you aren't lucky enough to have your own land, you are likely paying boarding fees. When times get tough like this, how do you justify paying horse board over your mortgage? I would imagine there are plenty of people who have given up their horse(s) already or are considering it.

Have you had to choose between your horse and yourself/your family yet?


Wrong Medication Dosage Kills Horses

>> Apr 23, 2009

I previously wrote about the 14 horses that died a few days ago here. The latest news I can find on the story is that the number of horses dead is now to 21 and that the wrong dosage of medication is to blame for the deaths. A Florida pharmacy is blaming the vet for giving them incorrect information. It's still under investigation.


Happy Birthday!!

>> Apr 22, 2009

JeeNee turned five on Monday. I bought her apples and carrots as a treat (like the horse treats and sugar cubes aren't enough). I actually bought enough for the whole stable so they all get to share in her birthday treats.

Happy 5th Birthday, JeeNee!
Today is one of my daughter's birthday too! Happy birthday to McKena, my sweet little girl. She is getting a new bike, a fish, and a High School Musical birthday cake for her birthday. My two oldest kids are using their own money to buy her an iPod Shuffle. Sweet kids huh?


Working From Home

I am looking for other ways to work from home. A friend of mine is doing fantastic with working from home so I know it's possible!

I was considering selling life insurance from home. I passed the class for it but then didn't pursue the next step. I didn't realize that you had to buy the leads yourself. I figured when you work for a company, they supply you with what you need to make them money. It didn't make sense to me that I would have to buy my own life insurance lead to make the company I would work for money.

Speaking of life insurance, I just remembered I have to call our insurer about ours since we changed banks and our payments are automatically deducted from our account. I almost forgot!


14 Thoroughbred Horses Die Before Polo Match

>> Apr 20, 2009

14 thoroughbred horses unexpectedly died before a polo match in Florida on Sunday. This happened at the International Polo Club Palm Beach in Wellington. Necropsies and blood tests are being performed to find out why.

How awful. It was a shock when our Rex unexpectedly passed away last August. I can't imagine seeing horses dropping like flies. Very sad.


Maximum Weight Your Horse Can Carry

>> Apr 19, 2009

I have been wondering about maximum rider weight for your horse and how to know what that is. I have a draft cross so it's probably not something I need to be concerned about unless I plan on ballooning up in weight but it's still on my mind because I don't want to add an extra burden to my horse regardless of her breed.

I looked it up and here is what I found:

It depends on several factors: the horse (breed, conditioning, conformation, bone structure), how far/long you will be riding, what else the horse will carry besides yourself, etc.

Did that answer your question? It didn't answer mine.

There are a couple of ways you can try to determine the maximum weight for your horse to carry. These are:

  • Your Horse's Weight Divided By 6 = Max. Pounds Horse Should Carry
  • 20% Rule for hard riding (20% of your horse's weight) or 30% rule for leisurely riding
  • Measure your horse's cannon bone (the circumference below the knee). Take the horse weight + rider weight + tack weight and divide that total by the cannon bone measurement. Then, divide that result by 2. The recommendation is 75 - 85.

So, that is what I found online on how to determine what weight your horse can carry. It doesn't tell me whether I should be looking up diet pill reviews yet but it gives me a better idea on what my horse should be carrying. I hope it helped you too!

If you know of other ways, please feel free to share them!


100 Posts & Over 7,000 Visitors

I just hit a milestone. I just hit the 100 post mark on this blog (one of my newer blogs) and have had over 7,000 visits to it! That averages to 70 visits per post...not bad.


Horse Pictures

My daughter rode a different horse for the first time the other day. She took a lesson with my stepdaughter who was here on Spring Break. My stepdaughter rode our trainer's horse and my daughter rode a horse that belongs to another girl at the stable. She is well-trained and sweet to ride. It was good for my daughter to ride something different. She learns something new every time she does this. The lesson went well but she missed Tequila so her next lesson will be on Tequila.

Then there is my dirty girl. She turns 5 tomorrow. She should have been a pig for all the dirt she is always covered in. Her legs are really thick (sure wouldn't want to get kicked with one of those again...yes, it happened once before after we first got her but she's much bigger now). Even though she is bigger, I am too (unfortunately). She looks good but I look like I need to look into a weight loss product. Her most favorite hobby is eating. No matter the weather and no matter that all the other horses have run into the run-in to get out of the weather, she can be found with her head in a round bale, lol.


First Ride on Tequila Picture

>> Apr 4, 2009

Here is my daughter after her first ride on Tequila. Obviously, she's happy with how the lesson went.


Want to toss computer out the window

I know I said in my last post that I would post pics from my daughter's first ride on Tequila but my computer keeps overheating and shutting down on me every time I try to download them from the SD card. When we bought this laptop, they told us it would be good for all the pictures and video I like to take. In reality, it's been nothing but trouble in those areas but especially for video.

I've been looking at wholesale computers, wondering if I need a new computer. The one I have should be fine but it's definitely not doing what the retail store told me it would do. We bought it from a well-known retailer and the salesperson obviously lied. My husband bought his computer online and his has been perfect for him. I think I am going to look online and see what's available rather than trust a salesman at the store where I bought this one again.


First Ride on Tequila

>> Apr 2, 2009

I introduced Tequila a few months ago here. She is our trainer's horse. She hasn't been rode a lot lately as she's had a few babies but she is very sweet, gentle, loving, etc. and she was a sweetie when she was being rode previously. Now that she's done having babies, she's recently been started back to work.

Bree had a lesson this week and our trainer suggested she take a longe line lesson on Tequila! When I told Bree about it, she got SO excited and then she got teary. She was so happy.

This evening, she had her longe line lesson on Tequila and they both did wonderfully. I took pictures and video that I will post once I get them downloaded.


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