Is the economy affecting your horse?

>> Apr 24, 2009

Times are beyond tough all around us right now with the economy the way it is. Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? I am hoping to see it soon. Trying to keep shelter over your family's head and food on the table is becoming more and more difficult for many people. People are not only losing material things or insurance for their family (get an insurance quote here), but their sense of security as well. That is scary.

The human factor aside, what about the animals? Are pets being taken to the vet less often? After all, if it is between paying for an annual dog vaccination OR groceries for your child that week, putting food in your child's mouth would come first. I wonder if the humane societies have seen an increase in pets dropped off this year due to struggling families in financial crisis.

What about your horse? If you aren't lucky enough to have your own land, you are likely paying boarding fees. When times get tough like this, how do you justify paying horse board over your mortgage? I would imagine there are plenty of people who have given up their horse(s) already or are considering it.

Have you had to choose between your horse and yourself/your family yet?


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