Horse Pictures

>> Apr 19, 2009

My daughter rode a different horse for the first time the other day. She took a lesson with my stepdaughter who was here on Spring Break. My stepdaughter rode our trainer's horse and my daughter rode a horse that belongs to another girl at the stable. She is well-trained and sweet to ride. It was good for my daughter to ride something different. She learns something new every time she does this. The lesson went well but she missed Tequila so her next lesson will be on Tequila.

Then there is my dirty girl. She turns 5 tomorrow. She should have been a pig for all the dirt she is always covered in. Her legs are really thick (sure wouldn't want to get kicked with one of those again...yes, it happened once before after we first got her but she's much bigger now). Even though she is bigger, I am too (unfortunately). She looks good but I look like I need to look into a weight loss product. Her most favorite hobby is eating. No matter the weather and no matter that all the other horses have run into the run-in to get out of the weather, she can be found with her head in a round bale, lol.


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