Keeping Home from Foreclosure

>> Apr 30, 2010

Well, the mortgage company is NOW saying that we qualify for some mortgage changes in order to keep our home.  Why didn't they say that when they wanted thousands of dollars we couldn't afford to refinance for a lower interest rate?  Of course, that is just what HUD has told me.  The mortgage company was supposed to call me and I'm still waiting for that. 

In the interim, I was looking for credit counseling for our credit cards.  Apparently, we don't make enough money to afford their debt management program.  Huh?  Isn't that the point?  They gave us some advice on how to reduce our expenses so we can afford their program like get an auto insurance quote for a lower rate, change cell plans (yeah, at a couple hundred per phone line if we cancel, that makes sense...not), spend less on clothes for the kids (6 kids - we already only shop at Wal-Mart for's not like we're mall shopping for them every season), change our television service (considering we have NO television service and haven't for months, not a good suggestion), cancel Internet (um...I work ON the internet from home).  They want us to cash in the stock we have for the company my husband works for.  That will help us for one month (he doesn't have much) so the long-term benefit of keeping it (the value is rising) outweighs the short-term.  Not very realistic advice.  If they knew we had two horses, they'd probably tell us to sell our girls too.


JeeNee's Had the Spring Fever Worked Out of Her

>> Apr 26, 2010

JeeNee had the spring fever worked right out of her with lunging and side reins about two weeks ago.  It took a week to get her back on track after having the winter off.  She fought the end of that vacation!  This week, our trainer will get on her and continue her training. 

Sometimes I wonder if I am too old to be learning to ride.  I started with lessons a few years ago but when Rex died almost two years ago, I stopped riding.  JeeNee will be ready for me soon so I better get over my misgivings about being too old and get my butt in the saddle.  Should I be looking at prototype 37-c reviews for a wrinkle cream instead of learning to ride? I don't bounce as well as I used to. I might break something if I go down at my age.

Listen to me - talking like 38 years old is ancient.  For most people, it's not.  However, I feel ancient because all my joints and muscles hurt most of the time.  Getting up out of a chair feels like a chore!  I think it is all thyroid related and the doctors are working on that.  I'd like to feel 38 though and not 68. 


Tequila's Riding Progress

Tequila Sunrise and my daughter are doing great.  They moved back into the swing of riding, after having most of the cold winter off, without a hitch.  This horse has always been a sweetheart but up until last summer, she was mainly a broodmare and pet.  Last summer, my then 12-year-old daughter and our trainer broke her to ride fully - with my daughter doing the riding!  She truly is my daughter's horse:)  She does great at a walk and trot.  I believe our trainer is going to have one of her girls get Tequila cantering as well.  My daughter likes to GO and is learning to jump too.

My daughter is now 13 years old and has all the moodiness to show for it too (and beyond developing an attitude, and a need for acne wash), she's growing up!  I'll have to get some video of them riding on YouTube so I can post it here. 


Puppy Pet Beds

>> Apr 20, 2010

I am looking for inexpensive pet beds for our five dogs. I need two that will fit into two kennels and then I need a few for around the house, especially for our old husky who is arthritic and the cold floor makes her stiff.  (We had one for her but my husband didn't realize it was washable and threw it out when I wasn't around!)  I want them to be washable, especially for the puppy's kennel because she's not totally potty trained yet.  We're still working on that (and struggling). 

Who in their right mind gets five dogs?  I guess we do!  However, I am not sure you could say we are in our right minds. 


Happy 6th Birthday, JeeNee

Today, my mare turns six.  We've had her for four of those six years. 

Happy Birthday, JeeNee!


Camera for the Stable

>> Apr 6, 2010

I need a new camera to take to the stable for horse pictures so I am looking for some good daily deals. I have a SLR digital camera already but I wanted one that doesn't cost as much as that one did to take to the stable to use regularly. I'm not crazy about taking my expensive camera down to the barn where kids and dust reign. I usually use my daughter's camera during her lessons but that's been getting goofy lately and if that is going on the fritz, I am going to need a replacement. 

I'd feel naked without a camera.  I am always taking pictures (which my stepson really hates but gotta preserve the memories)!


Farrier Went GREAT!

This morning our two horses got their feet done with the farrier (if anybody is looking for a farrier in west central Ohio, let me know...have a good one).  Tequila is always good, never any problems from her. 

JeeNee had a bad experience with a farrier before we bought her so it's always been a struggle with her.  Our farrier is really patient with her always.  We spent a lot of time/lessons just getting her used to having her legs touched and lifted for shorter and then longer duration.  The first time we had the farrier out for her a few years ago, she tried to kick him at least 50 times. He remained calm and patient.  With a lot of work, she has slowly gotten better but her back right leg was always an issue regardless.  This morning not one single issue, even with that back leg.  I had apple treats on hand and the trainer fed her them as the farrier worked on her, which she loved.  She acted more like a dog than a horse.  She even picked up her front leg for the farrier before he even asked for it. 

I think my baby is a big girl now.  She turns six in a couple weeks and it seems like any past issues have been worked out so far.  In a couple weeks, she'll go back to getting worked with an experienced, confident rider (once said rider gets off grounding, lol).  I may just be riding her regularly by summer!


Spring Riding is Starting

>> Apr 1, 2010

Our vacation has come and gone and it was a great time.  We hope to do it again this summer!

Now that I am losing weight and not afraid to get on the scales anymore, I am looking forward to this summer. I wanted to lose more weight to be lighter on our horses' backs and I've done it. With 13 pounds left to lose, and 19 pounds already lost, I am going to enjoy getting into summer clothes this summer as well.  I usually dread it. I won't feel like I'm pulling a ton of weight up into the saddle either!

My daughter already got herself into the saddle for the first time this season.  They both did really well together.  Now it's my turn. 


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