Farrier Went GREAT!

>> Apr 6, 2010

This morning our two horses got their feet done with the farrier (if anybody is looking for a farrier in west central Ohio, let me know...have a good one).  Tequila is always good, never any problems from her. 

JeeNee had a bad experience with a farrier before we bought her so it's always been a struggle with her.  Our farrier is really patient with her always.  We spent a lot of time/lessons just getting her used to having her legs touched and lifted for shorter and then longer duration.  The first time we had the farrier out for her a few years ago, she tried to kick him at least 50 times. He remained calm and patient.  With a lot of work, she has slowly gotten better but her back right leg was always an issue regardless.  This morning not one single issue, even with that back leg.  I had apple treats on hand and the trainer fed her them as the farrier worked on her, which she loved.  She acted more like a dog than a horse.  She even picked up her front leg for the farrier before he even asked for it. 

I think my baby is a big girl now.  She turns six in a couple weeks and it seems like any past issues have been worked out so far.  In a couple weeks, she'll go back to getting worked with an experienced, confident rider (once said rider gets off grounding, lol).  I may just be riding her regularly by summer!


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