Tequila's Riding Progress

>> Apr 26, 2010

Tequila Sunrise and my daughter are doing great.  They moved back into the swing of riding, after having most of the cold winter off, without a hitch.  This horse has always been a sweetheart but up until last summer, she was mainly a broodmare and pet.  Last summer, my then 12-year-old daughter and our trainer broke her to ride fully - with my daughter doing the riding!  She truly is my daughter's horse:)  She does great at a walk and trot.  I believe our trainer is going to have one of her girls get Tequila cantering as well.  My daughter likes to GO and is learning to jump too.

My daughter is now 13 years old and has all the moodiness to show for it too (and beyond developing an attitude, and a need for acne wash), she's growing up!  I'll have to get some video of them riding on YouTube so I can post it here. 


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