What a Great Weekend!

>> Nov 9, 2010

Had a date with hubby this past weekend. It's the first time we've gone out together by where we live, without kids, since we moved here almost five years ago.  We went to this town my kids call the "hippy town."  It's this great little town that is very open-minded and tolerant of so many different religions.  I felt like I could breathe there! 

It was a great day to walk through all the shops.  I found the Organic India tea I've been looking for, some pretty stones, looked at great sterling silver jewelry, and found this wonderful stone box for only $14.00! I thought that was a great find. Then we went to dinner (full dinner for hubby, salad for me to watch the gallstones).  We had a good time and my daughter was happy to get paid to babysit - her first time! 

Then my daughter had a riding lesson we all went to.

Oops - back is hunched.  This was a great jump. 
Instead of just trotting over the rails, her mare unexpectedly really jumped it.

Good Ride!


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