Great iPod Touch or iPhone Apartment App

>> Aug 7, 2009

When I bought my iPod Touch, it was for the sole purpose of listening to music. That was the extent of what I planned for it. After getting it, I was surprised at the number of iPod applications there were that were fun and/or useful!

There is an iphone apartment app that you can use to search for apartments free! Grab your iPhone or iPod Touch and hit the road in search of your new digs. It's called MyNewPlace and it's easy to use. Input the location you want to search in (city, state or zip) and search. You can see the different criteria (number of bedrooms, pet policy, etc.) and even check out photos so you get an idea of what the apartment looks like before you get there (or cross it off your list of apartments to see if you don't like what you're seeing). It's free and a timesaver!


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