One Year Anniversary of Rex's Death

>> Aug 22, 2009

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary for Rex. He died a year ago yesterday. He was my daughter's horse but I was just as attached to him as she was. He was such a wonderful guy! It still tears me up. I haven't rode since he died. He was the last horse that I rode. It broke my heart and took all the joy away. I don't know if it is just not wanting to get so attached again when they can leave you so unexpectedly or what. I'm going to have to dust myself off and get back on but it's hard. Look at how wonderful he was:

I didn't tell my daughter about the anniversary date. I thought about going to where he was buried with her but she was torn up for awhile when he died and I didn't want her getting upset again. I'm not sure I did the right thing but she feels things so deeply that I didn't want to open up a world of hurt for her again.

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