Durango Taillight Covers

>> Sep 27, 2009

I drive a Dodge product and want to look for Mopar parts for it. I want some taillight covers for my SUV. Living out in the country, I see it frequently around here. I like the way they look but I wasn't sure about how it would affect the person driving behind me. Does it inhibit his or her viewing of my brake lights when I use them? I don't want to get rear-ended. Does anybody have taillight covers?


Back and Forth with the Weight

>> Sep 24, 2009

Back and forth, back and forth. It's what my weight does. Just when I think the weight is starting to come off, it's back on again! It's SO frustrating to go from a size four to barely a ten. Sometimes it doesn't bother me but when somebody else notices the weight, then I feel bad.

I'm slowly changing over my thyroid treatment so *fingers crossed* that this will help. A lot of people start looking for the top diet pills but I need to try fixing my thyroid first and then seeing where I'm at.


Five-Way Vaccine for Horses

>> Sep 21, 2009

My mare is due for her five-way vaccine and the local pet supplies store has been sold out of them. I found it at Jeffers (online) for even less than what the local place here sells it for. When I buy it locally, it's taken from a refrigerated environment. So I'm not sure how they keep it cool though during shipping. I am going to have to place a call and find out before I order it. Does anybody know?


Hubby not Bob Vila (or even Tim Taylor)

Finally got the husband to somewhat commit to finishing the redecorating of our kitchen. We gutted it a year ago and put in new floors and kitchen cabinets. We also added a dishwasher (it'd been nine years since I'd had one and with 4 - 6 kids, that's a long time) and an over-the-stove microwave. We have to finish the walls and ceiling now.

I've been waiting for him to start it since there's a little rough work that needs to be done first but was getting ready to start it myself (and when that happens, you know I've lost all patience). He doesn't like to do home improvement stuff without his dad but his dad is only here a couple times a year. That's a long time to wait to do what needs to be done in the house.

I was looking at the backsplash area and was deciding between some type of tile, like a stainless steel tiles or just paint. I've decided on an olive paint but I'm still kicking it around in my head to add tiles down the road when we have the money.


Thyroid, Hormone Levels & Health

>> Sep 10, 2009

I am waiting for a new thyroid medication to arrive soon and for the first time in a long time, I feel a little hope that I might be able to manage my thyroid disease better than the endocrinologists have so far. I am not interested in synthetic medications or removing my thyroid (unless I absolutely have to).

What I am hoping for:

  • ...the brain fog to clear up.
  • ...my short term memory to come back.
  • ...my hair and skin to improve.
  • ...the itching to stop.
  • ...the weight to fall off as my hormone levels optimize so I don't need a weight loss supplement.
  • ...my goiter to go away.
  • ...my thyroid nodules to shrink.

That's a pretty tall order, isn't it? With the right dosage of thyroid medication and appropriate supplements, my fingers are crossed!

I am also reading about bioidentical hormones and it is really interesting reading.


"To Do" for School

School has been in session going on the second week now and it's been busy between school, homework, a break-up, soccer for three kids and cheerleading for two kids. One of my kids also managed to sprain her wrist so she's in a splint for awhile (and not able to ride her horse unfortunately).

I have made it about 90% through my school "to do" list but still have a few things left to buy (paper towel, kleenex, and a flash drive). Our school does a fundraiser for flash drives but I was also looking at this site for a Corporate flash drive to see what that was about. My 12 year old would love a custom flash drive for school! I also have book fees to pay for three of the kids. It's a neverending round of money out the door it seems like (I thought our taxes paid for this stuff?).


Making it a less material Christmas this year

>> Sep 7, 2009

I had to explain to our oldest yesterday that "Santa" is on a tight budget this year so they are going to have to restrict their holiday lists because this year isn't going to be like last year. We definitely have to reduce the amount of money we spend this year. The economy is hitting everybody and it's definitely hit us here too.

I was surprised to hear that they were wanting another video game system (considering we just bought them one last Christmas). It seems their dad had told them we'd get them one. Oops. Not this year.

I was looking at all the different Bell products (bell tv HD receivers and gaming remotes) but I think adding anything else to our HD television is going to have to wait a bit unfortunately. Maybe next year, we'll see some improvement in the economy. I sure hope so.


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