Thyroid, Hormone Levels & Health

>> Sep 10, 2009

I am waiting for a new thyroid medication to arrive soon and for the first time in a long time, I feel a little hope that I might be able to manage my thyroid disease better than the endocrinologists have so far. I am not interested in synthetic medications or removing my thyroid (unless I absolutely have to).

What I am hoping for:

  • ...the brain fog to clear up.
  • short term memory to come back.
  • hair and skin to improve.
  • ...the itching to stop.
  • ...the weight to fall off as my hormone levels optimize so I don't need a weight loss supplement.
  • goiter to go away.
  • thyroid nodules to shrink.

That's a pretty tall order, isn't it? With the right dosage of thyroid medication and appropriate supplements, my fingers are crossed!

I am also reading about bioidentical hormones and it is really interesting reading.


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