Hubby not Bob Vila (or even Tim Taylor)

>> Sep 21, 2009

Finally got the husband to somewhat commit to finishing the redecorating of our kitchen. We gutted it a year ago and put in new floors and kitchen cabinets. We also added a dishwasher (it'd been nine years since I'd had one and with 4 - 6 kids, that's a long time) and an over-the-stove microwave. We have to finish the walls and ceiling now.

I've been waiting for him to start it since there's a little rough work that needs to be done first but was getting ready to start it myself (and when that happens, you know I've lost all patience). He doesn't like to do home improvement stuff without his dad but his dad is only here a couple times a year. That's a long time to wait to do what needs to be done in the house.

I was looking at the backsplash area and was deciding between some type of tile, like a stainless steel tiles or just paint. I've decided on an olive paint but I'm still kicking it around in my head to add tiles down the road when we have the money.


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