Economy Crunch Really Hurting

>> Dec 29, 2009

It seems like everybody is looking for jobs right now.  I know I need to find another source of income from home myself.  I've been looking online a bit but really need to buckle down and get going.  The holidays slowed everything down and I spent more time doing holiday and family stuff and less time working.  It'd be nice if it could always be like that but I really need to find some more income.  It's time to do some job searches and see what pops up.  I'm luckier because working from home, I don't have to stay with employers locally.  I can do a Philadelphia job search and see what comes up!

My husband just isn't getting the hours at work and hasn't been this past year. It's been tough.  I'm beginning to wonder if we are going to need to sell our horses.


New Year's in the Boonies

My sister and sister-in-law are driving down on Thursday to spend New Year's Eve with us.  Leaving the big city to come here to the boonies!  Most people would be doing the opposite I think.

Everybody is very excited! I don't have the right electrical outlet for motorhomes so they can't bring their motorhome. Maybe next summer they can bring it down and park it at a local park and then I can drop all the kids off with them for the weekend. Kidding!

I hope everybody has a SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


Horse Presents

>> Dec 16, 2009

I buy presents for the horses. Is that odd?

I just finished my holiday shopping for our barn owner, horse trainer, and for all the horses who live at the stable. I have a few more things I'm waiting on for our kids I ordered online and I still need to pick up a couple of small gifts for the neighbors and then I am done! Well, I also have to address a billion holiday cards and get gifts for family far away packed and mailed but then I'm done. Oh yeah, and the wrapping! Who can forget all the wrapping? I also have to plan dinner. I guess I'm not almost done. I didn't realize my "to do" list was still so long!

I know I'm supposed to hope for a white Christmas but why? The tree lit with presents underneath, excited kids wanting to tear into their gifts, and being together is all I want. The snow can just stay in the north away from us. Which reminds me, I also need to pick up furnace filters before the furnace kicks on around the clock. Is my work ever done? I don't think so!

I hope y'all are enjoying the hustle and the bustle of the holiday season and find some quiet time to just relax. I'm hoping to find some of that myself soon - maybe on December 26th!


Less Weight in the Saddle

>> Dec 10, 2009

I wrote a long time ago about wanting to lose weight so I'd feel more comfortable riding. I just could not lose a pound no matter what I did because of my thyroid medication. Why doctors insist on synthetic thyroid medications when the natural desiccated thyroid works better for some people is beyond me. I switched myself to natural thyroid medication and lost ten pounds recently! That's a third of what I wanted to lose so I'm on my way. I haven't had to research the best weight loss pill and at this rate, I probably won't have to.

Great new for me, my health, and the horses' backs. I felt a little guilty. It's that I'm hugely overweight or anything and I'm tall so I can carry it OK but I'd just rather not.


Oldest Going to Hit Teen Years Soon

Life as I know it is almost over. My daughter is almost officially a teenager and boy does it show! Instead of hair ribbons and dolls, I'm going to be shopping for acne treatment. Boy what a difference a couple years make.

She's a cheerleader, rides a horse, and is in total awe of the Twilight series and all the boys without shirts in the New Moon movie (that's when I knew childhood was being left behind). I wonder if the horse will get left behind along with the hair ribbons and dolls or if it will be lasting love for her.


I'm the Grinch So Far

>> Dec 3, 2009

Winter is here. I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to get cold (and you can be sure I was glad it hadn't for so long). It's getting down below freezing this weekend for the first time so this will probably be the last of my flowers in the flower pots. I'm amazed they made it this long!

Everybody is getting ready for the holidays and I can't seem to get into the holiday spirit. I don't know what's wrong with me. I usually look forward to all the online shopping for the kids but with money so tight, all I do is worry about that online shopping now. Kids' toys are expensive and when you buy for six kids, oh my!

Just call me "the Grinch" I guess. That's what I'm feeling like so far.


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