Economy Crunch Really Hurting

>> Dec 29, 2009

It seems like everybody is looking for jobs right now.  I know I need to find another source of income from home myself.  I've been looking online a bit but really need to buckle down and get going.  The holidays slowed everything down and I spent more time doing holiday and family stuff and less time working.  It'd be nice if it could always be like that but I really need to find some more income.  It's time to do some job searches and see what pops up.  I'm luckier because working from home, I don't have to stay with employers locally.  I can do a Philadelphia job search and see what comes up!

My husband just isn't getting the hours at work and hasn't been this past year. It's been tough.  I'm beginning to wonder if we are going to need to sell our horses.


dezmembrari auto January 2, 2010 at 11:24 PM  

It is hard to find a good job in tis days. I hope you will succed.

Ivana January 3, 2010 at 3:33 PM  

:( Hope you get to keep the horses, they are beautiful!

All the best to you in 2010!!

Syn January 4, 2010 at 11:08 AM  

I hope so too. It'll crush us to have to sell them but the more in debt we go, the more I feel selfish for keeping them when the money needs to go towards the house or something else. :( I hope 2010 gets better!!

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