Spring flu? Ugh!

>> May 16, 2010

My 13-year-old worked my JeeNee yesterday at the stable.  It's the first time she's ever done that with my horse, but I'm down with the flu.  JeeNee did really well at first and then she kept getting stuck wherever there was grass she could reach in the outdoor arena.  JeeNee would be a huge, overweight cow if she was allowed to be.  She loves her food!

My weight problem has to do with my thyroid and not what I eat.  If all I needed to do was watch what I eat, I'd be thin again.  I could look up apidexin reviews and get some help with weight loss and be done with it. Unfortunately, no matter what I eat, or don't eat, my thyroid has slowed my metabolism down so much that I'm stuck with the weight for now (until my doctor gets things going again). This week, my thyroid goiter got bigger so that's a bummer.  I'm not sure what that means. 


Riding Continues Tomorrow

>> May 14, 2010

The rain has finally stopped so the rescheduled riding lesson for my daughter is tomorrow.  Maybe next week I'll be able to get video of the thoroughbred at the rescue and then my mare in training. 

Both our mares look really good.  They didn't pork out over the winter (with my JeeNee, that's always a possibility since all she wants to do is eat) and are looking nicely toned from the training and riding so far.  Do you ever wonder if horses chatter the way people do?  Perhaps they swap weight loss stories over the stall door or fenceline and remark about whose butt got bigger?

My JeeNee would probably say her owner's did. Ha Ha.  I'm not doing too well on the weight loss right now.  I lost 13 and gained back four so far.  How depressing.


Weekend Plans

>> May 13, 2010

My husband starts the remodeling in our house this weekend.  Now that we've pulled the house out of foreclosure, it's ours to do what we want.  We stopped when we thought the bank may own it.  There was no point in fixing it up for them. 

I also have some work to do, weeding, chauffeur for a party for teenagers, and research on hgh pills. I read about human growth hormone shots in a book but didn't know anything about hgh pills.

Then the kids go to bed early Saturday night. My husband and I make our own "date night" at home on the weekend when he doesn't have to work. 

It'd be nice to have a date night out of the house eventually.  We don't have a sitter though. 


Things Kids Say

I forgot to tell you in my previous post about the funny thing my daughter said to me this morning before we left for lunch.  She dressed in a sparkly skirt for lunch and wanted me to wear a skirt too.  I told her that I wasn't going to wear a skirt today so she asked why.  I told her that I wanted to lose a few pounds first.  She said, "Do you mean around here, mommy?"  (as she pointed around her waist).

Yes, kids are just SO honest. 

At least she's not telling me how often I need to jump on the fitness equipment and watching the scale when I step on it!  Not to be mean.  To a four-year-old, everything is just honest, lol.  I guess it's a good thing that she doesn't know the big numbers yet or else I'd have another reason to dread the scale.


Mommy Daughter Day Today

My four-year-old daughter and I did a mommy/daughter luncheon today.  First, we went shopping for a Webkinz for her.  She picked a pretty unicorn with ribbons.  Then we walked through town to lunch at a little cafe in town.  We sat outside at a bistro table (they had to pick up the patio cushions from the seats and use mats so we didn't get wet backsides from all the rain we had) but it was the first nice day in several days so we took advantage by having lunch outside.  My daughter had hot chocolate and bagel and I had cranberry iced tea and cranberry scones.  Everything was good.  I am not going to get much chance to do this anymore with my little one.  School is out soon so all four kids will be home 24/7 and then she starts kindergarten in the fall. 

I don't know what I'll do with myself when they're all in school.


Thoroughbred Rescue Video Postponed

>> May 12, 2010

It's been non-stop rain so the riding lesson for today, and the photo shoot for a horse at the rescue has been put off again.  It's so wet here that our dehumidifier in the basement is running all the time trying to keep up with all the moisture. I don't want to walk through a half foot of muck at the barn but it'd be nice to get the video and pictures done of the thoroughbred at the rescue to find her a home when it dries.  All I have of her is the video I shot when the rescue got her from the track last year.  Her color has changed completely (she's graying out so beautifully).  She was pretty then as well but with her black mane, socks, and tail with the gray - beautiful!


Excited to Remodel & Horse Pics

>> May 5, 2010

I know.  Totally opposing things for the title right?  I am happy that we can finish fixing up the house now so I go on and on sometimes.  It's embarrassing for people to come over and see paint swatches painted on the walls this last year!

While we're remodeling, I want a new ceiling light in my entry and dining room.  While I am not excited to know that instead of selling our house in three years, we'll have to stay here longer to get more equity out of it now, I am excited about finishing up the remodel if you can't tell:)  Maybe if the house is fixed up, I won't dislike it so badly.

I better get back to Cowgirl stuff though...

There are two pictures I took today of our girls.  JeeNee is my black and white spotted draft who turned six last month.  Tequila is the paint below JeeNee who belongs to my daughter.  They're both good girls.


No More Foreclosure

Now that we are pulling out house out of foreclosure (yeah for us), we can finish the remodeling we had stopped when we thought the bank was going to own our home.  I was looking at these pretty stone sinks for our upstairs bathroom. We need a whole new vanity for that bathroom so I might as well get a new sink too, right?

We can finish the painting now too, and I want french doors in my dining and family room, and our bedroom will finally get done!  Yeah!! 

Better do it slowly.  Don't want to spend too much money on remodeling and not have enough for the house payment.  That would not be good.


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