Riding Continues Tomorrow

>> May 14, 2010

The rain has finally stopped so the rescheduled riding lesson for my daughter is tomorrow.  Maybe next week I'll be able to get video of the thoroughbred at the rescue and then my mare in training. 

Both our mares look really good.  They didn't pork out over the winter (with my JeeNee, that's always a possibility since all she wants to do is eat) and are looking nicely toned from the training and riding so far.  Do you ever wonder if horses chatter the way people do?  Perhaps they swap weight loss stories over the stall door or fenceline and remark about whose butt got bigger?

My JeeNee would probably say her owner's did. Ha Ha.  I'm not doing too well on the weight loss right now.  I lost 13 and gained back four so far.  How depressing.


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