Saddle Sores are Better

>> Jul 8, 2010

Well, it took a week of no riding but the saddle sores on my daughter's booty have healed.  Her lesson is tomorrow so I guess we'll find out for sure then.  It's not supposed to be in the 90's so it'll be easier riding, less sweat...should be fine.  If not, she'll be soaking in the tub and complaining of the sting from the water by tomorrow afternoon.  If she has something to complain about, she definitely will. At least with this, she had good reason:)

She's getting major boy crazy.  I blame it on all the ab-flashing from the Twilight series.  When she sees a shirtless boy with muscles, her jaw drops.  She doesn't even look at the face.  He could be major cute, major not cute, in major need of pronexin for acne, or just the average joe. All she's looking at are the abs.


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