Trotting on Tequila

>> Jul 30, 2010

I got on a horse last week for the first time in two years.  I haven't been on a horse since Rex died two years ago this August.  It was just for a few minutes but I really wanted to get back on. 

My daughter cantered with her horse yesterday and last week (first time).  Her horse was mainly a broodmare up until last year when our trainer gave her to my daughter (Rex was her horse and it broke her heart when he died).  My daughter broke her to ride with our trainer.  What a great experience for my daughter!  It's been walk and trot up until last week.  Plus, they're going over low poles too! 

School starts in a few weeks so she is going to have to get a lot of riding in over the next three weeks before school starts.  Can you believe summer is going to start winding down and Christmas is around the corner?  Not me!  I have a feeling my kids are going to ask for a playstation 3 but they have no idea yet that this Christmas is going to be a low budget Christmas. We just can't keep spending so much money every December.


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