Horses Starting to Shed

>> Feb 19, 2010

I went to see our horses this morning at the stable.  With the lengthening of the day, JeeNee's coat is starting to shed a little bit.  I had long white hairs flying everywhere.  The little feathering she has on her big clydesdale legs looks pretty right now.  They're always a little longer in the winter.  I love burying my cold fingers in her winter's toasty.

She is looking good.  Usually she gets a bit overweight and looking like she needs diet supplements but she doesn't look like a lard. She definitely needs exercise to tone up after having the winter off though.

I took a bunch of pictures but none of them turned out.  The lighting was bad in the barn. 

So, to heck with that groundhog.  My horse's shedding says spring is just around the corner! 


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