Missed the Gypsy Vanner Birth

>> Feb 23, 2010

I have been trying to catch the birth of a foal on Mare Stare the last few days and I missed the two Gypsy Vanner foals I wanted to see.  When I checked the other day, the mares weren't doing anything and then I received a "low alert" email this morning telling me things were changing but not "high alert" status.  So I went to the web site to see and both foals were already on the ground. 

It's amazing how well nature works, isn't it?  While we have half the country disagreeing with the other half on what our health insurance industry should be and what government involvement should be acceptable while the animal world just does what nature intended them to do.  You don't see horses worried about whether they are covered by Blue Cross NC, deductibles, and how long they can stay in the hospital.  (Which reminds me, I have to contact our insurance company because I haven't been able to log on the last couple of weeks.  I have really random thoughts.)  Nature is amazing when you stop to appreciate it. 

I just love the Gypsy Vanner.  Here is a picture of a Gypsy: 

*picture from blog.freepeople.com/yentle.jpg

They are just magickal aren't they?


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