I Want a Do Over

>> Feb 20, 2010

My eight-year-old has been sick all day today with stomach pains and she has dark circles under her eyes. She just does not look well at all and spent the day laying around and alternating between moaning and having little tears slip out of her eyes.  I hate seeing her sick.

My head has been pounding non-stop all day long. My daughter's school project that is due Tuesday is nowhere near being done and the schedule over the next few days is crazy busy so that is another headache I am just now hearing about.  Ack!  It's been one of those days. 

It started out pretty good.  We found a $50 dress for $9 today for my daughter's school dance.  Then the rest of the day took a dive. I'll be glad to go to bed in a bit and wake up tomorrow to start a new day.


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