Lactose Intolerance, Milk Allergies

>> Sep 21, 2010

I know this isn't "horse" related but if your kids can't or won't drink cow's milk, what kind of milk were you successful at giving them?  I've tried soy - ewwww!  Nope, they didn't like it.  I've tried almond milk - one liked it, the rest didn't.  I tried lactose free milk - nope, they said it smells funny.  They don't like rice milk. The only milk I didn't try was breast milk, for the obvious reasons. I'm a few years beyond the need to breastfeed my kids. Been there, done that - two years for my youngest child and never regretted it.  She's now five years old and she has never, in all of her five years, had an ear infection. 

I feel like my kids should have some kind of milk.  It's like programmed into mom by pediatricians for kids to switch to cow's milk after breast milk.  Realistically, as long as kids are getting calcium and vitamin D from other sources, it should be just fine to forgo the cow's milk, right? 

Seriously, how many living things drink the milk from another species?  I think humans are the only ones who do that.  I have kids complaining of stomach aches, asthma, and allergies to show for it.


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