Too Old to Learn to Ride

>> Sep 19, 2010

I am turning 39 next month and I have the forehead wrinkles to prove it! Sometimes I wonder if I am getting too old to learn to ride a horse very well. Right now, I can ride but nowhere near great. After all, I certainly won't bounce as well when I fall off (note I didn't say "if" because I know it will happen).  Plus, after years of being "mom", my normal overly careful personality has turned downright neurotic.  What if something bad happens during a fall?  I have a bazillion kids to take care of. 

I still want to ride though.


Anonymous January 7, 2011 at 11:53 PM  

I've always wanted to ride. When my daughter was 4 years old, I couldn't justify paying for riding lessons for myself, so I spent it on my daughter. She's 16 now and owns two horses. I also have a son who has a pony, I guess I've lived vicariously through them. Two years ago I stopped making excuses and started taking lessons. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I can honestly say it's the only time I think only of myself. No thoughts of my children, husband, house, dogs etc. it makes me feel young, brave and what a high, and I am definately not an adrenaline junkie by any means. I think the best thing for your confidence is too find an instructor you feel comfortable with and find a horse you trust. Personally I prefer to ride bigger hunter type horses. Thoroughbreds heve way too much nervous energy for me. I don't like feeling every twitch, it makes me nervous. Anyway, best of luck!

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